Travel Photos I’m the Most Proud of Taking

A traveller seeks engagement with the local people and culture, while a sightseer just checks off sights in the guidebook. A sightseeing photographer stands apart from the culture, snapping pictures at a distance. A travel photographer becomes involved with his or her surroundings and the people; the resulting pictures become more intimate.

Jim Richardson

I’m not a travel photographer or a photographer by any means. However, I absolutely LOVE taking pictures and challenging myself to capture the story, culture, vibe, and memories of the moments as best I can. As far back as I can remember, I’ve loved having a camera in my hands and to this day I will always seize the opportunity to capture pictures in the moment of people, places, events, etc that mean something to me.

Travel is such a huge passion of mine that I hope it comes across in the pictures I take. Sometimes I’m just snapping a picture to remember something or to say “hey friends look where I went!” but I always try to get a mix of both.

These are just a few of my favorite snaps I’ve taken over the years. You can definitely tell which ones were taken with an older camera, but take that with a grain of salt. I love all of these for different reasons and memories attached to them. I hope you do too.







Have any favorites?

Let me know in the comments below!

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